Services provided by Boyd Trial Consulting include:
Interactive Focus Groups
Each Interactive Focus Group package of benefits includes: In-person work session with lawyers and key team members several days before the focus groups to identify issues, goals, evidence, demonstrative exhibits, jury instructions, witness testimony, and themes to test with jurors, preparation of materials for presentation to focus group jurors, two four-hour interactive focus group sessions with different panels of jurors for each group, a comprehensive notebook prepared after the focus groups containing demographic information, polling results, witness evaluations, and written feedback from the jurors, a detailed written report identifying strengths and weaknesses as well as specific recommendations based on focus group results, and a follow-up with the lawyers and key team members to discuss insights gained from focus groups and strategy for case preparation for trial. A video recording of the sessions is provided with the notebook. Parties and witnesses may testify in person. Lawyers, key team members, and their clients may attend the entire focus group session.
Case and Theme Development
Strategic in-depth analysis to identify and address the defense themes that can kill a plaintiff’s case. Developing themes that juries will understand and that will win your case, discovering the plain language words and phrases that jurors use to discuss your case with each other.
Witness Preparation
Meeting with the witness, videotaping the witness, and practicing with the witness to empower them to give compelling evidence at deposition and trial.
Development of Demonstrative Exhibits
In depth analysis of case themes, elements, and evidence to create simple, yet powerful, demonstrative evidence that will enable the jury to understand your case, the defendants’ wrongful conduct, and deliver a strong plaintiff’s verdict.
Supplemental Jury Questionnaires
Drafting additional questions to be submitted to the jury panel before voir dire, including meeting with lawyers, and analysis of jury issues.
Assistance with Voir Dire – in advance of trial
Drafting themes and questions for voir dire in advance of trial, reviewing jury questionnaires, and analyzing/organizing questionnaire information if available prior to trial.
Assistance with Voir Dire – at trial
In-person assistance at trial during actual voir dire, including helping the trial lawyer review jury questionnaires, analyzing and organizing the information in the questionnaires, observing voir dire, rating potential jurors, and identifying potential jurors who could be struck for cause.
Trial Coaching
Analyzing strengths and weaknesses of the case, identifying issues and looking for solutions to problems, developing voir dire techniques, improving opening statement and closing argument, creating more powerful demonstrative evidence, developing simple, memorable case themes, identifying plain-language words and phrases that will resonate with jurors, and all other aspects of preparing a strong trial.
Post Verdict Interviews
Discussions with jurors after the verdict about their deliberations, verdict, and assessment of liability and damages to assist lawyers in understanding the jury’s decision.
Mock Trial
Facilitating two four-hour sessions with different panels of jurors for each session to watch presentations made by lawyers prior to trial, debriefing jurors to see which presentations, themes, witnesses, and demonstrative exhibits resonated with them, discovering areas of confusion, concern, and bias. Includes in person work session with lawyers prior to mock trial, as well as follow up after session to discuss results and solutions to problems.
Shadow Jury
Facilitation and coordination of a “shadow” jury of individuals to observe the trial, debrief jurors at breaks and at the end of day, summarize and communicate findings to trial counsel.